What is your Lucidity Student-Master Archetype?


It's almost here!!!!

Lucid University made this super fun quiz for you as part of there Lucid University offerings to help you determine your Student-Master archetypal makeup.

You can use the results to determine where you should focus your energies and intentions for growth.

Perhaps you'd like to continue to strengthen your natural tendencies and embrace learning opportunities that are in alignment with your highest results.  Or maybe you'd like to balance out an aspect of yourself that can use some focus and nurturing.

Learning opportunities abound at the Lucid University this year.  We invite you to step into aligned vision to arrive at a more holistic version of you!

For Best Results On Your Quiz...

Read the questions once, don’t overthink each possible answer. Simply read them, feel them, and allow the answer that jumps off the page, or that you feel in your body. Don't overthink this.


Have FUN!

Here are my results:


LEADERS are hear to fully embody our community values and model what it's like to stand in our power with humility, grace, and effective communication. True leaders don't tell others what to do, they stand beside them and show them how. They inspire action because they provide a window into what's possible when we work together toward shared goals and outcomes. Lucid Leaders lead with love, and you can see it in their faces and body language. Thank goodness for the leaders, for their vision, for their compassion, and for their way!


DREAMERS are here to remind us of our multidimensional natures. They share their visions of what's possible and expand our reality by pushing on the quantum boundaries of human potential. Lucid Dreamers explore other realms of nonphysical reality and bring this expanded awareness back to our waking world. These oneironauts are true pioneers of consciousness and are teaching humanity valuable insights into the very nature of reality.

14%Earth Guardian

EARTH GUARDIANS are here to get to work on building the infrastructure of a new world that is in alignment with the natural rhythms and ways of mother earth. They speak for the trees and all the plants and animals, in addition to our beloved human species, as they understand the interconnected web of life and know that what's good for the whole system is good for us.


HEALERS are here to remind us that we hold the keys to healing within ourselves and it all starts with self love. When we love ourselves fully and take care of ourselves fully, we then have the capacity to share that healing light with others. Healers have many tools in their tool kit including herbs and plant medicine, lifeforce energy, sound frequencies, a variety of intuitive counsel methods, massage, acupressure, qi gong, breathing practices, and so much more. While the healer may honor the place and practices of traditional western medicine, a Lucidity healer knows that there is much more to wholistic health than science has yet to validate. These are the true pioneers of human wellness, approaching health from the standpoint of care, upkeep, and prevention, rather than reaction to dis­ease.